# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess # nosec
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
import docker # type: ignore
from aws_cdk import aws_s3_assets as s3_assets
from aws_cdk import cloudformation_include
from aws_cdk import core as cdk
_AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = "us-east-1"
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
# Using a class and not a dictionary/namedtuple to provide a default behavior object
# and ease of configuration for Chalice class consumers.
[docs]class PackageConfig:
"""Configuration for packaging Chalice app.
If your functions depend on packages that have natively compiled dependencies,
build your functions inside a Docker container. In order to instruct
:class:`Chalice` class to do so, set :attr:`use_container` to ``True``.
When packaging the Chalice app in Docker container, the default image closely
mimics AWS Lambda execution environment. If a custom container image is used,
it is the owner responsibility to make sure it mimics Lambda execution environment.
[docs] def __init__(
use_container: bool = False,
image: Optional[str] = None,
env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
) -> None:
:param bool use_container: Package the Chalice app in Docker container.
:param Optional[str] image: Docker image name.
If image argument is not provided, the attribute is set to AWS Serverless
Application Model (AWS SAM) image from Amazon ECR Public. Current
environment's Python version is used to select the image repository.
For example: ``public.ecr.aws/sam/build-python3.7``.
:param Optional[Dict[str,str]] env: Environment variables to set for
packaging. ``AWS_DEFAULT_REGION`` is set to ``us-east-1`` unless
explicitly specified otherwise.
python_version = f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}"
#: (:class:`bool`) If ``True``, package the Chalice app in Docker container.
#: By default packages the app in subprocess.
self.use_container = use_container
#: (:class:`Optional[str]`) Docker image name. Used when :attr:`use_container`
#: is set to ``True``.
self.image = f"public.ecr.aws/sam/build-python{python_version}"
if image is not None:
self.image = image
#: (:class:`Optional[Dict[str, str]]`) Environment variables used during
#: packaging.
self.env = env if env is not None else {}
class ChaliceError(Exception):
"""Chalice exception."""
[docs]class Chalice(cdk.Construct):
"""Chalice construct.
Adds the provided stage configuration to :attr:`source_dir`/.chalice/config.json.
Stage name will be the string representation of current CDK ``scope``.
Packages the application into AWS SAM format and imports the resulting template
into the construct tree under the provided ``scope``.
[docs] def __init__(
scope: cdk.Construct,
id_: str,
source_dir: str,
stage_config: Dict[str, Any],
package_config: Optional[PackageConfig] = None,
preserve_logical_ids: bool = True,
) -> None:
:param str source_dir: Path to Chalice application source code.
:param Dict[str, Any] stage_config: Chalice stage configuration.
The configuration object should have the same structure as Chalice JSON
stage configuration.
:param `Optional[PackageConfig]` package_config: Configuration for packaging
the Chalice application.
:param bool preserve_logical_ids: Whether the resources should have the same
logical IDs in the resulting CDK template as they did in the original
CloudFormation template file. If you are vending a Construct using
cdk-chalice, make sure to pass this as ``False``. Note: regardless of
whether this option is true or false, the :attr:`sam_template`'s
``get_resource`` and related methods always uses the original logical ID
of the resource/element, as specified in the template file.
:raises `ChaliceError`: Error packaging the Chalice application.
super().__init__(scope, id_)
#: (:class:`str`) Path to Chalice application source code.
self.source_dir = os.path.abspath(source_dir)
#: (:class:`str`) Chalice stage name.
#: It is automatically assigned the encompassing CDK ``scope``'s name.
self.stage_name = scope.to_string()
#: (:class:`Dict[str, Any]`) Chalice stage configuration.
#: The object has the same structure as Chalice JSON stage configuration.
self.stage_config = stage_config
#: (:class:`Optional[PackageConfig]`) If not provided, :class:`PackageConfig`
#: instance with default arguments is used.
self.package_config = (
PackageConfig() if package_config is None else package_config
chalice_out_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "chalice.out")
package_id = self.node.path.replace("/", "")
self._sam_package_dir = os.path.join(chalice_out_dir, package_id)
sam_template_with_assets_file = self._generate_sam_template_with_assets(
chalice_out_dir, package_id
#: (:class:`aws_cdk.cloudformation_include.CfnInclude`) AWS SAM template
#: updated with AWS CDK values where applicable. Can be used to reference,
#: access, and customize resources generated by `chalice package` command
#: as CDK native objects.
self.sam_template = cloudformation_include.CfnInclude(
def _create_stage_with_config(self) -> None:
config_path = os.path.join(self.source_dir, ".chalice/config.json")
with open(config_path, "r+") as config_file:
config = json.load(config_file)
if "stages" not in config:
config["stages"] = {}
config["stages"][self.stage_name] = self.stage_config
config_file.write(json.dumps(config, indent=2))
def _package_app(self) -> None:
print(f"Packaging Chalice app for {self.stage_name}", flush=True)
if self.package_config.use_container:
def _package_app_container(self) -> None:
docker_volumes = {
self.source_dir: {"bind": "/app", "mode": "rw"},
self._sam_package_dir: {"bind": "/chalice.out", "mode": "rw"},
docker_command = (
'bash -c "pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt; '
f'chalice package --stage {self.stage_name} /chalice.out"'
client = docker.from_env()
except docker.errors.NotFound as not_found_error:
message = (
"Could not find the specified Docker image:"
f" {self.package_config.image}. When using the default lambci/lambda"
" images, make sure your Python version is supported. See AWS Lambda"
" Runtimes documentation for supported versions:"
" https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-runtimes.html"
raise ChaliceError(message) from not_found_error
def _package_app_subprocess(self) -> None:
chalice_exe = shutil.which("chalice")
if chalice_exe is None:
raise ChaliceError("Could not find 'chalice' executable on PATH")
command = [
subprocess.run( # nosec
def _generate_sam_template_with_assets(
self, chalice_out_dir: str, package_id: str
) -> str:
deployment_zip_path = os.path.join(self._sam_package_dir, "deployment.zip")
sam_deployment_asset = s3_assets.Asset(
self, "ChaliceAppCode", path=deployment_zip_path
sam_template_path = os.path.join(self._sam_package_dir, "sam.json")
sam_template_with_assets_path = os.path.join(
chalice_out_dir, f"{package_id}.sam_with_assets.json"
with open(sam_template_path) as sam_template_file:
sam_template = json.load(sam_template_file)
functions = filter(
lambda resource: resource["Type"] == "AWS::Serverless::Function",
for function in functions:
function["Properties"]["CodeUri"] = {
"Bucket": sam_deployment_asset.s3_bucket_name,
"Key": sam_deployment_asset.s3_object_key,
with open(sam_template_with_assets_path, "w") as sam_template_with_assets_file:
sam_template_with_assets_file.write(json.dumps(sam_template, indent=2))
return sam_template_with_assets_path